An Editorial


This page features an editorial sent to various newspapers in the United States east coast by Linda Porra, of Irish Organisations United, who has recently given her considerable effort and expertise to the Ludlow family's campaign for truth and justice for Seamus Ludlow. She has placed a link to this site in her site  called The Troubles of Northern Ireland

Alongside her colleague Jim J. Kane, Scranton, Linda has written numerous letters on the Ludlow family's behalf. Both have placed messages of support on this site's Guest Book. The Ludlow family received this editorial  on 14 April, 2000. Their support for this campaign is deeply appreciated.


I am writing on behalf of the Seamus Ludlow Family and what seems to be some very deep rooted concerns surrounding his death on May 2, 1976.

There are numerous questions that need to be answered and also to have public inquiries into Seamus Ludlow's murder and to bring his murderers to justice and do away with the smear campaign that has protected his murderers for nearly 24 years now.

He may have been murdered simply because he was Catholic, or because he was mistaken for another intended victim. The Ludlow family has recently found out that authorities on both sides of the border had identified Mr. Ludlow's killers as far back as 1979, if not much earlier.

Seamus Ludlow became a forgotten victim of the Irish troubles, his life of no consequence to the police who were charged with bringing his killers to justice. The Ludlow Family wants to know why Seamus Ludlow was so expendable?

Why was his murder not investigated in the way that the law demanded?

Who were they trying to protect by smearing the victim and the family’s  name?

Why had the UDR and Red Hand Murderers never been brought to justice even though they  were identified by the R.U.C and Gardai more than twenty (20) years ago?

When these murderers were identified why had there not been an arrest until February 1998?

Why was the family kept away from the inquest of Seamus Ludlow on August 19, 1976?

Why did the Irish authorities not initiate proceedings against the four suspects so they could be prosecuted in the jurisdiction where the crime was committed, in County Louth?

Will the British and Irish Authorities ever give into the Ludlow's request for a full and independent and public inquiry where the family's attorneys have the right to subpoena and question witnesses regarding this murder?

The Ludlow family needs intervention into the atrocities that have been committed and for which they received NO justice from a prejudiced government and police force. They seek the intervention of the Human Rights Commission to help right the injustice that has come upon them. We ask that you intervene on behalf of these families and all peoples who have had their rights ignored for so long.

** Also it has come to our attention, that the nephew of Seamus Ludlow has been trying to send out letters to the UN Human Rights Commissioner and to the Secretary General in Ireland, requesting that they both "Please" take an interest in the Ludlow family's campaign for truth and justice. Mr. Ludlow’s nephew has been informed from a UN official that his letter NEVER reached either of these places.  He also sent out letters to SEVERAL USA lawyers and human rights groups, whom have informed me they have never received his letters either. It seems the mail of Mr. Ludlow’s living family is being intercepted by authorities and not being allowed to reach where it was intended to go**

For some reason, even almost 24 years later, the authorities are still trying to keep this case quiet, not allowing Mr. Ludlow's existing family to ask for help, trying to silence even his mail. The only reason this family finally got to reach out to us is I saw his web site and I wrote to him, and we have been corresponding via E-Mail. People need to know about this family's plight, and their struggle for Truth and Justice will prevail!

Linda Porra
Irish Organizations United
432 South Street
Southbridge, MA. 01550
E-Mail: [email protected]

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 Page last updated on 21 March 2001